Yamaha RM800 For Sale/Want Ads

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1)  Ads must be submitted in email - allow 24 hours for posting on the site.  Submit all ads here.

2) Ads will stay up for a maximum of two (2) weeks after being posted unless otherwise requested by submittant before the two week period expires.

3) Pictures in either JPEG or GIF format are ok, but MUST be no larger than 50K in size.  No exceptions.

4) Ads that do not contain an RM800 in the content will not be accepted, although it is ok to post other items along with the RM800 you are selling.

5) Want ads can only request an RM800 - if you are looking for something else besides an RM800, please post your want ads elsewhere.

6) It is assumed you have read and understand these rules, AND the disclaimer below.

The Yamaha RM800 Page and its author are not responsible for ad content and/or resulting transactions in any way, shape or form.  In other words, we are not legally bound to any actions of sellers and/or buyers that participate here.   In plain english:  Deal at your own risk.

(there are currently no for sale or want ads available)